Revival Riders - Liberia

10% Funded

Join us in backing mobile missionaries as we rally funds for 10 motorbikes, helping them broaden their reach among unreached tribes in Liberia. Your donation will help establish local churches, equip leaders, distribute Biblical resources, and deliver crucial community development services to remote villages.

Be a Miracle Step - Pakistan

95% Funded
Medical Assistance

Partnering with MiracleFeet, an NGO championing the elimination of clubfoot using the Ponseti correction apparatus, we will support the critical shipment of foot braces to 400 young children in Pakistan. With access to the devices, these children will be able to walk with less pain and move freely.

School Supplies Needed - Charlotte, NC

33% Funded
Charlotte, North Carolina

Help students from lower income communities with necessary school supplies in the Charlotte, NC region! Through project School Supplies Needed, Mite will refill the backpacks of students so they can succeed in the second semester ensuring they finish the school year with everything they need for success.

Homes of Love - Toineke & Pusu, Indonesia

100% Funded
Teas, Timor Indonesia

Through Project 57 we are rehabilitating 10 houses in Toineke and Pusu villages through local leaders and construction businesses. In April 2021, Cyclone Seroja struck Indonesia, resulting in tragic loss of life and widespread homelessness. The cyclone caused extensive damage, destroying bridges, roads, houses, and entire communities.

Empower Women - Kenya

100% Funded
Health & Hygiene
Mt. Elgon, Kenya

Days for Girls addresses period poverty by finding sustainable solutions including reusable menstruation kits and community education to address stigma. We will support their work in Mt. Elgon, Kenya, with the production of 1750 menstrual kits and community health education to over 3500 women and other community members.

Himalayan Hope Home - Nepal

100% Funded
Child Development

We will sponsor Hope Home in Kathmandu for underprivileged orphaned girls at risk of human trafficking and other abuses. Support will cover meals, education, clothing, medical costs, and a recreational program. The home offers love, care and safety of a family environment so the girls reach their full potential.